Shop > Apple trees > Eating apples
Eating apples
Bare root:
Early season dessert apple. The fruit has an intense strawberry flavour when well-ripened and scarlet.
Type: Dessert
Season: September-October
Pollination: Partially self-fertile. Pollination group C
A modern, disease-resistant variety with a refreshing sharp flavour. Medium-sized apples with red-flushed skin and crisp, cream-coloured flesh.
Type: Dessert
Season: October-January
Pollination: Self-sterile. Pollination group D
A small, sweet apple which is a favourite with children due to its size. The colour is a deep red, almost purple.
Type: Dessert
Season: October
Pollination: Self-fertile. Pollination group C
A classic English russet variety. The fruit are juicy and crisp with a strong sharp flavour and store well.
Type: Dessert
Season: December-March
Pollination: Self-sterile. Pollination group C
A famous Yorkshire variety. Strong-tasting, sweet and aromatic. Red-orange streaks over green skin, with creamy yellow, fine textured flesh.
Type: Dessert
Season: September-November
Pollination: Self-sterile. Triploid (can’t pollinate others). Pollination group C
Vigorous, heavy cropper, winter eating apple. Sweet, crisp juicy flesh. Good flavour and texture. Good for juicing.
Type: Dessert
Season: October - December
Pollination: Pollination Group 3, self sterile
A modern, disease-resistant variety from the Czech Republic. Produces attractive red apples that are sweet, crisp and very juicy.
Type: Dessert
Season: October-December
Pollination: Self-sterile. Pollination group C
An exceptional apple with a powerful nutty flavour, honey sweet yet sharp. Fruit is small and a warm yellow colour.
Type: Dessert
Season: October-November
Pollination: Self-sterile. Pollination group C
A large cooking apple that stores well and mellows into a sharp but flavoursome dessert apple in winter.
Type: Dual-purpose
Season: October-March
Pollination: Partially self-fertile. Pollination group D
Easy to grow mid-season dessert apple that is disease resistant and stores well. The fruit are yellow-green and deliciously crisp, sharp and refreshing.
Type: Dessert
Season: September-November
Pollination: Self-sterile. Pollination group D
Early season dessert apple. Produces heavy crops of small flushed fruit that are sweet, juicy and lightly aromatic with some Cox flavour.
Type: Dessert
Season: August-September
Pollination: Partially self-fertile. Pollination group C
A deliciously sweet variety that crops late in the season. Yellow skin with an extensive orange-red flush. The crimson-pink blossom is especially attractive.
Type: Dessert
Season: October-January
Pollination: Self-sterile. Pollination group D
One of the best early season apple varieties. Produces reliable crops of attractive red fruit that is particularly good for juicing.
Type: Dessert
Season: September
Pollination: Self-sterile. Pollination group C
A very large red-flushed eating apple with a superb flavour that is similar to Cox. The tree grows vigorously and produces a reliable heavy crop.
Type: Dessert
Season: October-January
Pollination: Self-sterile. Triploid (can’t pollinate others). Pollination group D
An attractive, red-flushed dessert apple with good frost resistance. Fruit is crisp and sweet.
Type: Dessert
Season: October-December
Pollination: Self-sterile. Pollination group D
A popular heavy-cropping dual-purpose variety from Scotland. Red flush stripes over pale green with a creamy white flesh. Excellent refreshing flavour and a reliable cropper.
Type: Dessert/Culinary
Season: September-October
Pollination: Partially self-fertile. Pollination group C
Handsome tree that bears some of the best and earliest apples around. Medium sized fruit, orange-red streaked flush. Taste is good balance of sweetness with acidity. Easy to grow, low maintenance.
Type: Dessert/Culinary
Season: July - August
Pollination: Group B, not self-fertile
Easy to grow, heavy and regular crops. Honeyed and very sweet when left on the tree to ripen. Fruit stores well, and is versatile - can be used for cooking and eating.
Type: Dessert
Season: November - February
Pollination: Partially self-fertile. Group 4
Medium size, crisp apple. Good for juicing and good cropping. Easy to grow cox-style apple. Primarily an eater, but also cooks well, holding its shape.
Type: Dessert
Season: October-March
Pollination: Partially self-fertile. Pollination group D
Exceptionally flavoursome orange-flushed dessert apple. Very juicy, with soft flesh almost like a pear. Fruit develops a hint of aniseed flavour when very ripe.
Type: Dessert
Season: September-October
Pollination: Self-fertile. Pollination group D
Medium sized apple, good balance between sweetness and sharpness. Flavour and soft flesh are reminiscent of a firm pear. Easy to grow. Perfect for juicing and tarts. Excellent pollinator for ‘Cox’ and ‘Braeburn‘ varieties.
Type: Dessert
Season: October-January
Pollination: Partially self-fertile. Pollination group B
*indicates a tree that has been grown at another nursery and is for resale
A flavoursome, well-balanced russeted apple that is easy to grow and store.
Type: Dessert
Season: October-April
Pollination: Self-sterile. Pollination group C
An old, russeted eating variety from Essex with a distinctive spicy flavour.
Type: Dessert
Season: Oct - May
Pollination: Self-sterile, pollination group D
Similar to Cox's Orange Pippin but self-fertile. Aromatic, juicy, crisp apples for harvesting late September to October.
Type: Dessert
Season: September-November
Pollination: Self-fertile. Pollination group C
An old, now rare, russet variety that was popular in Victorian times. Late keeping, sweet-sharp tasting with hints of pear drops. Deep pink blossom makes it an attractive garden plant.
Type: Dessert
Season: October-March
Pollination: Self-fertile, pollination group C
Late-season Sheffield eating apple. A heavy, reliable cropper with crisp, juicy and sweet fruits that can hang on the tree into the new year.
Type: Dessert
Season: October-January
Pollination: Unknown
A popular dual-purpose variety. A vigorous and hardy tree that produces an abundance of distinctive nutty flavoured fruit.
Type: Dessert/Culinary
Season: September-November
Pollination: Self-sterile. Triploid (can’t pollinate others). Pollination group D
An old variety found in the 18th Century in a wood in Nottinghamshire. The tree is late flowering and produces sweet apples that can be stored until March. Good for frost-prone sites.
Type: Dessert
Season: October-March
Pollination: Self-sterile. Pollination group F
A late season dual-purpose variety with a strong, rich aromatic flavour. The blossom and fruit are both very attractive.
Type: Dessert/Culinary
Season: October-March
Pollination: Self-sterile, pollination group D
Late-season Sheffield eating apple. A heavy, reliable cropper with crisp, juicy and sweet fruits that can hang on the tree into the new year.
Type: Dessert
Season: October-January
Pollination: Unknown
A heavy-cropping, late season dessert apple with a sweet flavour and firm flesh. The fruit is greenish-yellow with red flushing and striping.
Type: Dessert
Season: October-January
Pollination: Partially self-fertile. Pollination group D
Mid-season eating apple, similar to Cox but sweeter. The colour is pale greenish-yellow with a red flush.
Type: Dessert
Season: October-December
Pollination: Self-sterile. Pollination group C.
Sweet, yellow, medium-sized eating apple from America, also good for juicing and cider.
Type: Dessert
Season: November-January
Pollination: Self-sterile. Pollination group D
A small, late-keeping apple with firm and juicy flesh. The fruit are a little sharp when freshly picked but mellow in storage to become sweet and aromatic.
Type: Dessert
Season: November-March
Pollination: Self-fertile. Pollination group D
Also known as Norton's Melon. A rare, medium-large red-striped apple used primarily for eating but appropriate for cooking and cider.
Type: Dessert
Season: October-December
Pollination: Self-sterile. Pollination group E
A modern, disease-resistant variety with a refreshing sharp flavour. Medium-sized apples with red-flushed skin and crisp, cream-coloured flesh.
Type: Dessert
Season: October-January
Pollination: Self-sterile. Pollination group D
A very versatile apple that is a good and reliable cropper. Flesh is crisp and juicy. Listed as a cooking variety, it is often eaten as dessert and useful for making cider. Very resistant to scab.
Type: Dual Purpose
Season: August - December
Pollination:Group C
A small, sweet apple which is a favourite with children due to its size. The colour is a deep red, almost purple.
Type: Dessert
Season: October
Pollination: Self-fertile. Pollination group C
A sweet, medium-sized apple with a honey-like flavour. The colour is a very appealing shade of red.
Type: Dessert
Season: September
Pollination: Self-fertile. Pollination group D
A firm and crunchy dessert apple with a light floral flavour. Good balance of sweetness and sharpness.
Type: Dessert
Season: October-January
Pollination: Self-sterile. Pollination group C
A classic English russet variety. The fruit are juicy and crisp with a strong sharp flavour and store well.
Type: Dessert
Season: December-March
Pollination: Self-sterile. Pollination group C
A famous Yorkshire variety. Strong-tasting, sweet and aromatic. Red-orange streaks over green skin, with creamy yellow, fine textured flesh.
Type: Dessert
Season: September-November
Pollination: Self-sterile. Triploid (can’t pollinate others). Pollination group C
Easy to grow mid-season dessert apple that is disease resistant and stores well. The fruit are yellow-green and deliciously crisp, sharp and refreshing.
Type: Dessert
Season: September-November
Pollination: Self-sterile. Pollination group D
Early season dessert apple. Produces heavy crops of small flushed fruit that are sweet, juicy and lightly aromatic with some Cox flavour.
Type: Dessert
Season: August-September
Pollination: Partially self-fertile. Pollination group C
One of the best early season apple varieties. Produces reliable crops of attractive red fruit that is particularly good for juicing.
Type: Dessert
Season: September
Pollination: Self-sterile. Pollination group C
A very large red-flushed eating apple with a superb flavour that is similar to Cox. The tree grows vigorously and produces a reliable heavy crop.
Type: Dessert
Season: October-January
Pollination: Self-sterile. Triploid (can’t pollinate others). Pollination group D
An attractive, red-flushed dessert apple with good frost resistance. Fruit is crisp and sweet.
Type: Dessert
Season: October-December
Pollination: Self-sterile. Pollination group D
A popular heavy-cropping dual-purpose variety from Scotland. Red flush stripes over pale green with a creamy white flesh. Excellent refreshing flavour and a reliable cropper.
Type: Dessert/Culinary
Season: September-October
Pollination: Partially self-fertile. Pollination group C
Easy to grow, heavy and regular crops. Honeyed and very sweet when left on the tree to ripen. Fruit stores well, and is versatile - can be used for cooking and eating.
Type: Dessert
Season: November - February
Pollination: Group 4
Medium size, crisp apple. Good for juicing and good cropping. Easy to grow cox-style apple. Primarily an eater, but also cooks well, holding its shape.
Type: Dessert
Season: October-March
Pollination: Partially self-fertile. Pollination group D
Exceptionally flavoursome orange-flushed dessert apple. Very juicy, with soft flesh almost like a pear. Fruit develops a hint of aniseed flavour when very ripe.
Type: Dessert
Season: September-October
Pollination: Self-fertile. Pollination group D
Medium sized apple, good balance between sweetness and sharpness. Flavour and soft flesh are reminiscent of a firm pear. Easy to grow. Perfect for juicing and tarts. Excellent pollinator for ‘Cox’ and ‘Braeburn‘ varieties.
Type: Dessert
Season: October-January
Pollination: Partially self-fertile. Pollination group B
A flavoursome, well-balanced russeted apple that is easy to grow and store.
Type: Dessert
Season: October-April
Pollination: Self-sterile. Pollination group C
A popular dual-purpose variety. A vigorous and hardy tree that produces an abundance of distinctive nutty flavoured fruit.
Type: Dessert/Culinary
Season: September-November
Pollination: Self-sterile. Triploid (can’t pollinate others). Pollination group D
An attractive red-flushed French dessert pear. Richly flavoured, buttery and juicy..
Type: Dessert
Season: Oct-Nov
Pollination: Partially self-fertile. Pollination group C
A very tasty dessert pear with a hint of rose flavour and juicy, melt-in-the-mouth flesh. Well suited to northern climates.
Type: Dessert
Season: October
Pollination: Self-sterile. Pollination group B
A mid-season, aromatic eating apple with firm, sweet flesh. Greenish-yellow with an orange flush.
Type: Dessert
Season: October
Pollination: Self-sterile. Pollination group C
An old green russeted apple with a distinctive aromatic flavour. Also great for cooking, juicing and cider making. Stores well.
Type: Dessert/Culinary/Cider
Season: October-February
Pollination: Self-sterile. Triploid (can’t pollinate others). Pollination group D
An ancient apple variety known for its small, sweet, dark red flush fruit and beautiful white flowers. Heavy cropping and can be stored until April.
Type: Dessert
Season: October-April
Pollination: Self-sterile. Pollination group C
Delivery, Collection and FAQs
We deliver bare root trees (dispatched Nov-Apr) but not potted trees. Potted trees are collection only from Leeds (or we can deliver locally by arrangement).
See our Delivery & Collection Info page for up-to-date delivery rates.
Yes, you can collect your order from Kirkstall, Leeds. We send the full details when you place your order.
This varies, but broadly speaking trees classified as Small are 3-4ft and 1 year old. Trees classified as Large are 4-6ft. are 2-3 years old and have some established branches.
A small dessert apple originating from the 1700s. The flesh is very juicy and sweet and the flavour improves in storage.
Type: Dessert
Season: October-January
Pollination: Self-sterile. Pollination group D